
How we organise the Data Ethics & Society Reading Group

As with much of this repository, the below borrows heavily from Data Ethics Club.

We’ve described how a typical meeting would run in the ‘Facilitating’ document, and so this document is more about how people can contribute to the repository, and how we operate more generally.

Deciding on material to read

The reading list is organised into different sections - some are philosophical, some are technical. Our previously discussed pieces are available in our Sessions Overview. We like to check off things we have discussed in the reading list.

The whole group votes on what to read for the following meeting at the end of every session. A slido is pre-populated with items already on our reading list, and attendees are invited to vote for items, as well as add anything they want to read for others to upvote.

Administrative tasks

Before the meeting

After the meeting


How can I contribute to the reading list?

Since we organise around a GitHub repository people can submit issues using our issue template. People can also submit pull requests, or simply send us an email and we can upload your suggestions on to the repository - we know not everyone is comfortable using GitHub!

How do we acknowledge contributions?

Contributions can be lots of different things, and so we use the emoji key on our front page. This has been adapted from that used by Data Ethics Club. If you think you should be listed as a contributor but can’t see your GitHub handle listed, please get in touch.

How can I get involved in organising?

We welcome any administrative and organisational help you can offer! Please get in touch via email. We’d especially like to hear from people who are new to the Civil Service and from groups usually under-represented in data science.

I’d like to lead a session on a particular topic

Brilliant! Please reach out to us via email and we can set this up with you.


We primarily use our newsletter to communicate with interested Data Science practitioners across government. Sign up to hear about upcoming events.