Home - Sessions - Guides - Code of Conduct - Reading List
This Code of Conduct has been adapted (only very slightly) from that developed by the Data Ethics Club of the Jean Golding Institute. This in turn was influenced by the Arizona Diversity Journal Club CoC, and the Recurse Centre’s Social Rules.
We want this discussion group to be a space where people feel welcome to discuss their thoughts and ideas. So, we have adapted this Code of Conduct (CoC) to ensure that those participating are protected from abuse, harassment or discrimination, and that the discussions we have are supportive and productive, whilst remaining in line with Chatham House Rules.
If you would like to suggest an addition or amendment then you can make an issue or submit a PR.
Unacceptable behaviours will result in immediate action and potentially lead to suspension from future meetings. This being said, consistent and intentional disregard for the Discussion Guidelines below can also be regarded as unacceptable if such behaviour significantly disrupts the group and makes it an unwelcome environment for others.
Unacceptable behaviours include but are not limited to:
If you have been subject to or witnessed unacceptable behaviour, either during a meeting or on this repository, then you can get in touch with the organisers on xgov-data-ethics@proton.me.